Repux is a market that allows small and medium businesses to sell anonymous data to developers.

RepuX is a protocol level framework upon which various types of immutable data can be commoditised and exchanged between different corporate and individual user parties.Combining multiple cutting edge decentralised technologies such as IPFS, Sia and Ethereum/EOS, along with a possible upgrade to a custom high-throughput blockchain.By creating and allowing for value and data transfers directly between peers utilising the protocol, RepuX allows for the creation data sharing possibilities for individual and corporate user and aggregate data, which do not exist in the current marketplace.This direct and rapid value transfer through the REPUX token will allow for the creation of value for data creators, including individuals and thereby eliminate the need for middlemen and intermediaries across multiple industries.Visit to Official website
Repux is a marketplace that lets small and medium businesses sell anonymized data to developers.How it works :
Businesses sell anonymized data and earn Repux tokens
Developers buy the data to train Machine Learning algorithms
Developers then re-sell their intelligent applications back to enterprises, for better business decision
The Repux token is the medium of exchange on the marketplace and the ONLY way to transact.
Our vison is to create a protocol which facilitates the monetization of data through efficient transfers between collectors, developers and users that will also allow the evaluation of data reliability and reputation over time. Through our RepuX Protocol, data collectors could transfer data to data users or to application developers in exchange for RepuX Tokens. Developers could build upon the RepuX Protocol, and use data transferred by collectors to generate products and services which could then be transferred to end users in various industries, in exchange for RepuX Tokens.With the RepuX Protocol, we hope to bring additional value to data.
RepuX Goals and Objectives
We anticipate that data monetization will become a major source of revenue for individuals and entities in the future. It is estimated that the world will create 180 zettabytes of data (or 180 trillion gigabytes) in 2025, up from less than 10 zettabytes in 2015.

Our goals and objectives for the RepuX Protocol are as follows:
1.To develop a high throughput system whereby data can be monetized directly between collectors, developers and users;
2.To build a secure reputation infrastructure within RepuX Token transactions that allows users to apply a semi-permanent record in a mutual transaction;
3.To develop easy-to-use application programming interfaces (or APIs) that enable third-party developers to build upon our RepuX Protocol to create a variety of different applications;
4.To maintain scalability and speed as high priorities during RepuX Protocol design and development; and
5.To integrate the RepuX Protocol with existing blockchain technology while building custom solutions in certain cases.
In summary, our ultimate goal is to build a secure, reliable, high-performance data transfer protocol that can be integrated with a wide variety of different applications developed by third parties for use by a number of different industries.

Rupex Saves People Money With Their High Efficiency, Fraud Proof Data Platform

One of the biggest problems in the data industry is how easy it is to get access and manipulate sensitive readout data. And considering all it takes is a few mouse clicks and number changes to alter the accuracy of a data readout permanently, it's been a temptation that has ravaged the data industry ruthlessly. But through the power of Rupex, middleman involvement possibility is eliminated, and sensitive data readout files never even have the chance to reach compromised locations. Instead, data transfers and sales transactions are done directly, through a Peer-to-Peer connection. The only people privilege to sensitive data are the data owner and the client, and no one else.

Thankfully, Peer-to-Peer technology has breathed new life into the failing "Big Data" industry. Now, whatever benefit that business data compilations and statistical files can provide, can be processed, learned from, and profited from at peak efficiency. And make no mistake, small and medium-size business readouts have the power to improve new business performance at unprecedented levels. This is just the beginning of business evolution and improvement in ways the world has never seen!

Why RepuX?
  1. The RepuX Protocol is the only platform which has the capability of eradicating the ”digital divide” that still exists between the users who have easy access to machine learning datasets and those who don’t.
  2. It is an immutable and transparent data market. It allows circulation of reputable and useful data
  3. It also allows the monetization of data both by individuals and entities.
  4. Blockchain technology allows for the reduction of fraud rates thereby enabling a whole host of potential applications.
    The platform has an extraordinary infrastructure. Also, the team is dedicated towards making RepuX the number one platform in the market.;u=1344739


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