There are many current cryptocurrency exchanges, and almost nothing resemble each other. Wealthy platform of choice of currency pairs, interface convenience, available functions to perform technical and graphical analysis, quickly show new tokens in trading system, security settings, commission amount, and much more. AIREXE is new modern crypto-fiat currency exchange. We bring the new cryptocurrency exchange, which we are sure you will love. AIREXE focused on ensuring the increased security of clients’ funds, providing live responsive customer support, high availability and accessibility. AIREXE will strictly follow and comply with government regulations, licensing requirements, taxation and will operate completely legally. Our target is to be most convenient exchange for the beginners and for professional traders by providing both functionalities — professional with all the features available, and simplified, for those who is novice in cryptocurrency and trading.
Benefits of AIREXE
Overcome Security of customers’ funds
AIREXE: The highest security measures. The most important task for an exchange is to secure its clients’ funds so that under no circumstances it could be lost, or stolen. Many stories tell us about crypto assets that were stolen from exchanges, and the situations like this lead to bankruptcy and closure of the exchanges. This also leads to the loss of clients’ funds and assets, and it all happens due to exchanges’ insufficient measures to ensure the safety of funds. Other type of security issues is related to clients’ authentication processes and currency withdrawal processes.
  • Overcome No cooperation with regulators
AIREXE: Compliance with the regulators. Let’s be honest — financial regulators and governments will not let cryptocurrency world play games on its own. Governments have to regulate financial markets, including cryptocurrency market. Collaboration with regulators is vitally important. Applying KYC, AML and CTF processes, following regulators’ directives, as well as having roundtables with them is a must. Market regulation is aimed to eradicate scams, frauds and criminal activities. A company can have the latest technology and the most secure software, however, if a company doesn’t comply with the regulators, it’s vulnerable to regulatory risk, and it carries such risk to all of its clients. Many examples of regulatory risks were present in cases (BTCe, BitConnect, MtGox,…), when exchanges were closed or their activities were halted due to the compliance reasons.
  • Overcome Terrible Customer Support
AIREXE: Responsive 24/7 Customer Service. The vast majority of exchanges are notably lacking of proper customer support service. Issues and problems occur and happen in real life, in real time. It is very important to provide fast response to any customer request and solve their issues in a timely manner. The current customer support service provided by the majority of the exchanges is often very slow and hardly responsive, or even absent.
  • Overcome Long period waiting new coins, tokens
AIREXE: Integration with new blockchains, coins, tokens. Exchanges are made to trade. If some cryptocurrency or tokens are missing on exchange, people will use another exchange to trade. Sometimes customers ask exchanges to add new trading pairs of new famous coins or tokens, but exchanges ignore. It leads to customer dissatisfaction and eventually the loss of business.
  • Overcome Lack of simplicity
AIREXE: Fast start and tutorials for newbies traders. We’ve completed our own survey among potential clients, who don’t trade cryptocurrency at this moment, but would like to start doing it. The results show that so called “newbies” are in need of simplified customer interface and walk-through tutorials, which could explain the process of entering the market. Of course, for experienced traders exchanges must provide fully-fledged interfaces and trading functionalities.
  • Overcome Transparency of ownerships
AIREXE: Transparency of the project ownership. Some of the exchanges have rapidly gain popularity, however, they were setup for completely different purposes, very often illegal. Often, the ownership of the exchanges is not transparent and is hidden through elaborately structured offshore companies, which provide no guarantee or security to the customers. This leads to a high regulatory or even criminal risk to the customers of the exchange, which eventually could lead to the loss of assets or disruption of provided services. We are witnessing that regulators and law enforcement authorities from different countries have put a lot of work and pressure on such enterprises, by arresting alleged owners and closing down the exchanges.
  • Overcome Lack of mobility

AIREXE: Attention to mobile users, a truly device-neutral exchange. century, people rely on their smartphones and tablets more than on their desktop devices. Especially in relation to cryptocurrency, when trading never stops and one has to have an access to the exchange and one’s account 24/7, and often on the go. However, most of the exchanges do not provide this essential feature to their customers. Furthermore, non-professional traders, who are eager to enter a new market, complain about the absence of mobile versions of some exchanges. We believe that customer must have an instant access to its account or exchange with any device that he/she prefers, a truly device neutral exchange.



We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. With blockchain technology, the digitalization of coins has created the cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized, trustful, and free of intermediaries. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud. Blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. The blockchain is a public, distributed ledger of all transactions in a given system. It constantly grows as completed blocks (transactional information) are added to it. Thе data itѕеlf cannot be manipulated bу a ѕinglе person or grоuр оf раrtiеѕ since thе information iѕ encrypted. Thе еnсrурtiоn оf the trаnѕасtiоnѕ thuѕ саnnоt be falsified bу uѕ оr anyone else, mаking оur ICO аvаilаblе for all to see. These blocks are built in a linear and chronological order through cryptography. We have developed this platform for working with blockchain technology as the basis for developing our platform. Because from the first appearance, the block comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and crypto-currency. With the help of the methods provided by the and blockchain, founders will be able to launch their ICOs, pre-ICOs, and other crowdfunding campaigns. The will provide the founders with many of the services and tools essential to successful launch of these types campaigns while ensuring security and credibility by the use of blockchain technologies. Blockchains enable data structures representing invoices to be deployed and to be tamper proof. This enables all participants of the ledger to view the state of the invoice with respect to time. Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger or decentralized database that keeps records of digital transactions. Rather than having a central administrator like a traditional database, a distributed ledger has a network of replicated databases, synchronized via the Internet and visible to anyone within the network. With disintermediation of services the blockchain has revolutionized all known financial conventions and pioneered new ways for fund raising through the tokenization of goods, products, and services . By using the blockchain for transactions, the costs will be minimal vis-a-vis current “middleman” models that include payment and currency conversion fees. With TechSpecs, all payments go directly to the seller in a single digital currency. Confidential information can be broadcast to specific peers with the proper permissions on the network to maintain complete confidentiality. Such a system is crucial when dealing with confidential access agreements between transacting parties. Besides that, with Blockchain technology we will be able to create a decentralized platform to help individuals or businesses to source for investors from all around the world.

As we can see in the diagram above, 85% of tokens will be allocated to tokenized assets offering, 5% will be allocated to partners, 5% will be allocated to marketing & promotions, the remaining 5% will be allocated to bounty campaigns.


  • Token Name : AIREXE
  • Token Symbol : AIRX
  • Price Per Token : between 0.008 and 0.01 ETH per 1 AIRX
  • Soft Cap : 950.000 $
  • Hard Cap : 32.000.000 $
  • Project Goal : 16.000.000 $
  • Payment : ETH


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