StopTheFakes - Anti-Counterfeit & Copyright Infringement Platform

The service will detect fake products of various brands, no matter whether it's sneakers or electronic devices. Thanks to StopTheFakes they can buy they will not have to worry about the quality of the goods they buy, the producers will be able to increase the potential profit due to the fact that they will fight against those who violate the property right. Platform StopTheFakes
A decentralized service is created that will be able to detect and facilitate the elimination of counterfeit products and to combat the violation of property rights of companies and individuals. All this will become possible due to the implementation of the blocking system, the platform will operate on the Ethereum platform, working on smart contracts. In addition, your own token will be created which will be a means of mutual settlements within the service. Tokens will be created only for payment inside the platform. With the help of StopTheFakes it will be possible to eliminate counterfeit and infringement of intellectual property. It is known that corporations all over the world are suffering huge losses, not only financial but also reputation, as the buyer who got the counterfeit product of the company can form a bad opinion about them and later abandon the products of this company, without suspecting that they faced counterfeiting. For companies will become a platform that will save them from the problems associated with the falsification of their products.
Losses of countries from counterfeit:
As you can see, the countries are suffering huge losses, the fight against counterfeit products is very topical today, for the solution of which a team of experienced specialists, who have vast experience behind their backs and who can do the work of both ordinary buyers and global corporations , the team hoped that everyone would be happy with the product other than counterfeit manufacturers.
The advantages that StopTheFakes gives
With the help of the StopTheFakes service, it will be possible to detect and eliminate counterfeit and infringement of intellectual property rights. Having made a photo or video violation, you will be rewarded.
Thanks to Blochein technology, the platform will be implemented using a license and open source. The service has its own token, which is the payment method within its ecosystem.
Details of ICO and the sale of tokens.
Sale of tokens: C 21 March to 21 April
Designation: STFcoin
Type of tokens: ERC20
Price for the token: STFcoin = 0.0004 ETH
Tokens for sale: 20,271,000 STFcoin
Identification person: Minimum
purchase amount required: 0.1 ETH
For a copyright holder who seeks to protect their intellectual property, it is simple enough to go to the StopTheFakes site and leave a request in a simple form that will be immediately sent to users ready to immediately begin the task. The task has no expiration date and is valid as long as users continue to find the facts of counterfeits until the perpetrators are punished by law.

You can find any facts of violations - from a pirate site to the point of sale with counterfeit. For users, the process is quite simple technically and requires only the presence of a computer or a smartphone. Now you can not only do the world around you better, but get good rewards and bonuses for it, working not only for yourself, but also competing with other performers.
Making the world protected from counterfeits is the task that has been standing for a long time, but now it has an effective solution in the form of StopTheFakes platform. Rightholders and performers are actively cooperating here, fixing the facts of violations and receiving remuneration for it. Thanks to the blockchain technologies, the process is completely debugged and is convenient for both sides.



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