After the big Crypto-Boom in 2017, the amount of ICO and Token Sales has surged exponentially. According to icotracker.net, there are literally thousands of ICO’s and Tokens out there. Knowing which ICO or Token to invest in could potentially be a huge headache for many uninformed investors. Understanding which ICO’s would potentially grow into sustainable companies and which ICO’s would be worth investing is crucial to the investor’s return on investment (ROI).
Many ICO investors neglect to see an ICO as an IPO. An ICO “Initial Coin Offering” and an IPO, “Initial Public Offering”, is similar in many ways. When a company goes public with an IPO, before you invest, you would research the company. You would look at the stakeholders (Founders), the company’s assets, its market share, growth potential and much more. It seems like most people forget that when looking at ICO’s, they are blinded by the whole “Get Rich Quick” trend, and thus they ignorantly invest in ICO-Traps.

Transaction metadata

In addition to alias addresses, Tip also provides the ability to attach arbitrary metadata to both addresses and transactions. This metadata may rely on protocols, such as aliases, or arbitrarily determined by the user. This will be stored in the form of key-value pairs. This metadata will allow the storage of random data that a user chooses to specify. Metadata storage on Blockchain Tip will support both private and public data. Public metadata will be stored in plain text on the network. thus, will be accessible to anyone on the network. Personal data will be encrypted by the caller and stored on the network. This data can then only be decrypted and viewed by the private key holder, the account owner.


Users will then be able to find other users and new content on the network by searching through the data using a client application. Developers will be able to build decentralized applications (DApps) that store and access this information on the network. DApps will be able to create their own custom fields and protocols to extend platform usability.

Peer to Peer Instant Messaging

Users will be able to send direct transactions via messaging conversations, or by using a traditional wallet interface. Users can also find other users or businesses with usernames (aliases) by searching the network, and by adding contacts from their phone address book. The messaging format will be supported by several items:

– Text messages
– Picture messages
– Voicemail
– Animated Gif
– Video call.
All messages will be exchanged via peer to peer connection without being directed to a centralized server.
Point-of-Sale System
This app will be a monumental boost for retailers who have received cryptocurrency for payment, as it provides the features they normally use in traditional point-of-sale systems, which are lost in the cryptocurrency space. It will also serve as a catalyst to get more retailers to receive cryptocurrency payments, as it provides the simplicity they normally use with traditional point sales systems, at a lower cost.
Features of the point of sale system are:
Transaction management
Order management
Customer management
Sales and analytics reporting
Third party integration
TIP Token
TIP has token ie TIP tokens. This is the native currency in the network, so it’s used to pay transactions, storage, and other services on the network. TIP is a utility token that can be used to:
Transfer between peer to peer.
buy goods in the real world with merchants receiving TIP.
save data on Decentralization Tips database.
pay transaction fees on the network.
reward developers for creating applications running on Tip Network.
choose a delegate to secure the network.
For the delegates to stake their coins and get a lurking prize to secure the network.

ICO Investors should consider the following:
How capable is the team, who are they?
What is the ICO about?
How does the Ecosystem work?
How will the coin be utilized?
How would funds be distributed?
How are the tokens being allocated?
How in depth is the Roadmap?
How does the Referral or Bounty Program work?
How strong is the Community?
How secure is the system? (Internet Security)
Of course, there are more to look for in an ICO before even considering investing, but exploring these 10 points will most definitely protect you from most scrap ICO’s out there and TipBlockchain is also here to help you.


Token Type: Ethereum ERC20
Buy with: ETH
Token Price: 1 ETH = 10,000 TIP
Tip Inc will dispatch an offer of TIP tokens which will be available to the overall population. Clients will have the capacity to buy TIP tokens utilizing either Ethereum or Bitcoin. The deal cost for Tip will be 1 ETH = 10,000 Tip, or 1Tip = 0.00001 ETH. The cost of TIP tokens in Bitcoin will be figured by changing over the Bitcoin incentive to Ether, utilizing the Bitcoin-Ethereum swapping scale at the season of procurement. The token deal will keep running for a month. Amid this time, 60% of the aggregate TIP supply will be accessible for buy by the overall population.
There has been consistent change in the innovation and its prevalence in the worldwide world. Individuals are understanding reality behind the conventional money and discovering its option. Brought together foundations have turned out to be careful about the developing innovative work in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain innovation.
Making applications that assistance in the mass appropriation of the cryptocurrency is the piece of the arrangement and they trust that making an incentive around this thought has impelled them to make numerous helpful applications. I feel that their concept of the easy to understand cryptocurrency address will be valued by the clients of the cryptocurrency.

Telegramm: https://t.me/TipBlockchain
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tip-blockchain-network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TipBlockchain
Medium: https://medium.com/tipblockchain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TipNetworkio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tipblockchain/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TipBlockchain
website: https://tipblockchain.io/



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