
Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Getting In The Crypto World

Cryptocurrency is an innovative type of electronic money, or in another way it is digital money, which is created by generating cryptographic code. Unlike the usual and familiar to us money, cryptocurrency is not printed by the Central banks of States, but created by people around the world. Cryptocurrency can not feel, touch. These funds are of the cryptographic code, which is to find or virtually impossible to forge. Today, the earnings on bitcoin, becoming one of the most profitable and promising ways to get rich quick. A decade ago, projects to create a virtual payment unit were discussed only in narrow circles of financiers and programmers. After several unsuccessful attempts it enthusiasts made a revolution in the world of Finance. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto generated the first block of digital coins – so there was Bitcoin. But there are still few people to whom it is available, it is clear to buy cryptocurrency, start mining or trading on exchanges. The solutio...


There are many current cryptocurrency exchanges, and almost nothing resemble each other. Wealthy platform of choice of currency pairs, interface convenience, available functions to perform technical and graphical analysis, quickly show new tokens in trading system, security settings, commission amount, and much more. AIREXE is new modern crypto-fiat currency exchange. We bring the new cryptocurrency exchange, which we are sure you will love. AIREXE focused on ensuring the increased security of clients’ funds, providing live responsive customer support, high availability and accessibility. AIREXE will strictly follow and comply with government regulations, licensing requirements, taxation and will operate completely legally. Our target is to be most convenient exchange for the beginners and for professional traders by providing both functionalities — professional with all the features available, and simplified, for those who is novice in cryptocurrency and trading. Ben...


 ПРОЕКТЫ И ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ BITPLAY   Bitplay разрабатывает отличные игровые проекты, большинство из которых планируется запустить в начале 2018 года, из которых все проекты полностью защищены от блокировки.2018 будет видеть игры на всех новых высотах, поскольку это было хорошо воспринято и спрогнозировано экспертами по всему миру. ИГРОВОЙ Все игровые платформы PlatformEvolving на совершенно новый уровень требуют устойчивой экосистемы, в которой геймеры, стремящиеся геймеры и любители спорта по всему миру могут превратить свои игровые способности и страсть в профессию, а также заработать на жизнь. BitPlay предполагает способствовать этим большим изменениям с его наборами игр, азартных игр и других платформ, которые будут запущены. Одна валюта, разнообразные платформы. BitPlay, являющийся полностью блочной платформой, будет включать и активировать собственную криптовалютность во всех своих проектах, платформах, приложениях и экосистемах. Ток BTP будет служить основ...

StopTheFakes - Anti-Counterfeit & Copyright Infringement Platform

The service will detect fake products of various brands, no matter whether it's sneakers or electronic devices. Thanks to StopTheFakes they can buy they will not have to worry about the quality of the goods they buy, the producers will be able to increase the potential profit due to the fact that they will fight against those who violate the property right. Platform StopTheFakes A decentralized service is created that will be able to detect and facilitate the elimination of counterfeit products and to combat the violation of property rights of companies and individuals. All this will become possible due to the implementation of the blocking system, the platform will operate on the Ethereum platform, working on smart contracts. In addition, your own token will be created which will be a means of mutual settlements within the service. Tokens will be created only for payment inside the platform. With the help of StopTheFakes it will be possible to eliminate counterfeit...

DeHedge ICO aims to avoid fraud

About DeHedge The DeHedge platform is a fundamentally new format with a developed infrastructure and a complex of powerful tools for the protection of crypto-investments. The main task is to prepare a stable and convenient decentralized platform for hedging investors’ risks in crypto-currencies. The goal of the developers is to carefully consider the reliable protection of investments in the ICO and the security of crypto currency against the risk of fraud, failure of selected projects or serious fluctuations in rates. The DeHedge platform prepares a fundamentally new, improved infrastructure for the reliable protection of crypto-investors. The main goal of the project is to create a stable decentralized platform for hedging the risks of crypto-investors. The project is designed to effectively protect investment in ICO and crypto currency in cases of fraud, exchange rate fluctuations or liquidation of projects. Automatic payment of compensation The work of the DeHed...

Ecex Exchange (Ziggurat) - The Assignments Trading Platform

What was initially associated with cryptocurrency, blockchain continues to expand its reach and open more doors to where the marketing space is now heading. Some blockchain apps have emerged since the technology debut in 2008, but there's more to come in the field of marketing - better and bigger solutions. The list of marketing using blockchain technology continues, and new programs that promise innovative decision-making for marketing continue. Although unknown to most individuals, many companies and projects have used blockchain technology to improve their operations. Only a few projects create products that affect people's lives, let alone have a positive effect. Cryptocurrency trading involves trading of a digital currency asset. One of the most common forms of Bitcoin digital currency was created in 2009. This form of online trading is rather new and the reality has only been around for several years. It shares many similarities with Forex and is quic...

KROSSCOIN - The Universal Application Monetization Platform

WHY CROSSCOINS? KSS introduces a consumption-based token template that allows app developers to monetize any functional component, in any app, running on any platform. The consumption-based monetization model removes the adoption barriers inherent to a one-time cost and subscription license, thus freeing developers to focus on application functionality. With KSS, monetization increases with usage, giving incentives to app developers to create an engaging user experience. The API interface allows for quick monetization integration, while payment gateways and banking relationships are not required because users pay for the use of the app with a KSS token, while the developer is paid with a KSS token. Our first app that utilizes the Krosscoin Platform is the family of pending Pipdroid apps. Pipdroid provides mobile execution and management of cloud-based bot trading (crypto). Certain features are perhaps moѕt obviously monetization concept; an API interface, payment ga...

Plentix : Platform Berbasis Blockchain dan Aplikasi Bertujuan untuk Menghubungkan dan Menghargai Semua Peserta

PLENTIX PLENTIX adalah sebuah platform blockchain yang terdesentralisasi yang memiliki tujuan untuk menghubungkan dan memberi penghargaan kepada semua peserta dalam program rujukan online. PLENTIX adalah platform tokenized modular yang memiliki tujuan member manfaat bagi pelanggan, merek dan bisnis yang telah mendaftar. Manfaat yang di berikan oleh teknologi blockchain memberikan PLENTIX keuntungan. Titik utama blockchain yang diadopsi yaitu: Buku besar yang terdesentralisasi dan terdistribusi System blockchain yan terdesentrealisasi dan terdistribusi Catatan yang kekal Adanya mekanisme konsesus yang menghilangkan otoriter pperusahaan yang memungkinkan peserta jaringan memvalidasi transaksi Keamanan Kontrak pintar Ada banyak metode referral yang biasa digunakan oleh customers. Namun yang paling sering digunakan adalah yang tertera pada grafik berikut: Berdasarkan grafik dapat diketahui dimana, pengguna social media memiliki bagian yang sangat besar dibandingkan dengan...


BETEX —это инноваторская одноранговая площадка для торговли финансовыми договорами, которая использует смарт-договоры Ethereum. В отличие от обычных бинарных опционов, пользователи Betex делают ставки товарищ против друга. восемьдесят пять процентов средств распределяется меж участниками биржевых торгов, не считая того, участники биржевых торгов сформировывают общий пул платежеспособности для каждого базисного актива, чтоб максимизировать прибыль пользователей. с помощью смарт-договорам Ethereum, Betex обеспечивает прозрачность. Все операции снутри системы производятся в токенах SBT эталона ERC-20. Которые равнозначны 1,00 доллару США. Betex была построена в целях обеспечения прозрачности на денежных рынках деривативов, также сотворения новых инструментов, которые, в конце концов, положили конец устаревшим теневым схемам. Одной из принципно принципиальных задач для нас является восстановление имеющегося рынка с новой технической базой методом внедрения и реализации д...


The Problem The security deposit is a deposit that is used to deal with losses to the leased asset, but the transfer of these funds to the counterparty for storage is a problem of trust. The payer cannot ensure that your deposit has been safely stored and the counterparty will return the deposit to you. On the other hand, at the end of the agreement, it may take a few weeks for the tenant to recover his or her deposit and disputes may be resolved in court, resulting in an even longer delay. What does RxEAL Solve? RxEAL is the platform for reliable and secure storage of guarantee deposits on the Ethereum block chain. It offers a decentralized dispute resolution with a focus on the real estate and car leasing market with a total value of hundreds of billions of US dollars. RxEAL will be made available to other industries that require a fair background storage and dispute resolution. RxEAL is an instrument that allows you to eliminate a large number of frau...